This is the highest level of prepruner for bilateral vineyards. The unit can be set for a profile cut on the top and sides with the additional ability to cut above and below the cordon. With its ability to cut completely around your cordon and open up around the stakes, this unit leaves very little to clean up. Most growers mount them to crawler tractors or skid steer units. If you are in soil where you think you can get into during the winter, a wheel tractor can be used.
Please note: This is a serious purchasing consideration for the grower. You certainly can request a demo on a few rows or even go watch the machines working around California. But if you are serious about seeing what this can do for your operation and bottom line, my recommendation is to hire the Spagnolo representative contractor to come in and preprune a whole vineyard block for you. He has quite a few of these units running throughout the winter all over California. And yes, you will get an invoice from him in this situation. But please consider having a whole block done with this machine will show you just how long it takes, what the end result is in terms of pruning quality, what kind of driver and tractor you would need, and most importantly, what are my money savings against last year’s pruning bill? It is very common for them to go in a do a block for a grower and then be asked to finish out all the other blocks in the area. This unit can really prove its ability to payback. Let us know and we can make all the arraignments.